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Quadra Grill – 2.3 litres, 23cm


The grill is expertly constructed from superior Zepter Metal 316 L with a pyramid shaped embossed inner bottom layer making grilling without fats effortless and enjoyable. Those esthetically pleasing nodulations will leave the grill like marks on steaks, fish, poultry, kebabs, potatoes, and vegetables - but without the toxic smoke of traditional grillers. Non-stick technology, highest quality materials and the Zepter Accuthermal Compact bottom are at the heart of our ultra healthy cookware.
Maloprodajna cena € 413,00
ZepterClub cena
€ 371,70

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Maloprodajna cena € 413,00
ZepterClub cena € 371,70
Popust -10% € -41,30
Skupna cena € 371,70
Delite naprej:


The grill is expertly constructed from superior Zepter Metal 316 L with a pyramid shaped embossed inner bottom layer making grilling without fats effortless and enjoyable. Those esthetically pleasing nodulations will leave the grill like marks on steaks, fish, poultry, kebabs, potatoes, and vegetables - but without the toxic smoke of traditional grillers. Non-stick technology, highest quality materials and the Zepter Accuthermal Compact bottom are at the heart of our ultra healthy cookware.


Bearing all the features and hallmarks of Zepter’s Masterpiece Cookware, Quadra is thoroughly modern cookware that will astonish you with its beauty, practicality and open the door to creative, artistic cuisine.
Zepter Accuthermal Compact Bottom: Constructed from 3 layers of different metals, this allows cooking at low temperatures thereby retaining accumulated energy even when the heat source has been reduced or switched off. This extraordinary property additionally saves on energy consumption and is of course healthy as it prevents the loss of precious nutrients.
The Quadra Walls: Standing at 1 millimetre thick, the walls heat up much slower than the bottom of the pot. This ensures that the hot air inside the utensil condenses upon reaching the cooler lid creating steam, which is essential for the Closed Circle Cooking process. Food is therefore simmered at a constant temperature below boiling point.
Cool-Touch Handles: Their unique construction and light-weight makes handling the pot confortable and easy. They can also be used as a lid stand to save space and if a handle is accidentally damaged, it can be easily replaced.
Stacking System: Combine the Grill with other Quadra cooking elements in the stacking system and cook a number of meals simultaneously on one hob ‑ saving time and energy. The stacking system also allows for optimal utilisation of storage space: no more cluttered kitchen shelves.
The Quadra System Bowels: The bowels are an attractive add-on and can serve many purposes; washing and preparing ingredients, cooking within the system, food serving and food storing.
Multi functional, economical, fast, easy, healthy and tasty: Medical research has proven that an unhealthy diet is the main cause of all the most serious chronic diseases in the world today, (the obesity epidemic, hypertension, cardiovascular illnesses, diabetes and cancer). An unhealthy diet, completely flawed food preparation and bad quality cookware is the main cause of heart disease, the number one killer in the world. We unnecessarily boil vegetables in water and fry food at high temperatures in dangerous overheated fats. Fortunately, Zepter Masterpiece Cookware is the perfect solution.

Digital Thermocontrol: Guaranteeing full control of the food preparation process, Zepter Radio Digital Thermocontrol is the new, outstanding device that enables a completely automated cooking process from beginning to end. Found at the top of the Masterpiece Cookware, the smart technology allows you to prepare healthy food without having to spend hours in the kitchen giving you more free time. Automated heat adjustment ensures cooking is done at the set temperature without having to lift the lid, which allows the Closed Circle process to go on undisturbed. With the digital Thermocontrol, the desired temperature and time are set in just a few seconds at the mere touch of a button. The user-friendly dial enables easier reading of cooking temperatures on the scale: Moist or Dry. Coloured fields indicate three temperature ranges: a yellow field for pre-heating, green field for the correct cooking temperature, and a red field indicates overheating.

Protecting Your Health: All Zepter cookware guarantees less harmful fats, less calories, but more vitamins, more minerals and more proteins, while preserving the food’s nutritive, biological and organoleptic properties. Medical research has proven that an unhealthy diet is the main cause of all the most serious chronic diseases in the world today, (the obesity epidemic, hypertension, cardiovascular illnesses, diabetes and cancer). An unhealthy diet, completely flawed food preparation and bad quality cookware is the main cause of heart disease, the number one killer in the world. We unnecessarily boil vegetables in water and fry food at high temperatures in dangerous overheated fats. As a result we eat food starved of nutritional values that contains toxic carcinogenic fats. With the latest innovative technology from Zepter, food can be cooked without adding water, oils or fats, at low temperatures thus preserving the food’s nutrients and making it healthy. Healthy food means a longer more productive life.

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